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Berkahwin dengan Najahah Benyahya, mempunyai 2 cahaya mata, Azim Danial Baragbah dan Abyana Baragbah

22 Jun 2019

Heritage Association of Malay Massage (HAMA)

Alhamdulillah... the beginning of our Malay Massage... this is our Malay art heritage, it should be practices globally... maybe some of our university or college just forseen on other arts but forgotten on our home ground... the Malay Massage courses are our Malay Niche... good job to USM... we always support Syed Mahdi Baraqbah and the teams for the effort... MOU between Institut Perubatan & Pergigian Termaju (IPPT) USM and Heritage Association of Malay Massage (HAMA)... salute!!!


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